Time – and the compulsive gambler …

…These were things I needed to do in order to get well both mentally and financially. Needs always come before wants. Seeing things through a child’s eyes, I didn’t only…

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Branching Out. Thoughts about Châtenay-Malabry Arboretum.

…had a quick walk around and a very long sit. But I knew I wanted to come back, so when I saw an airbnb in the town I made a…

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Love the city but don’t know why? A “local’s” view of Sheffield UK.

…a mature student. I got the place but turned it down in order to do a post-grad in Manchester (it’s a complicated story) but I often wondered how my life…

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Triggers in Gambling

…a technique called “coming back to present time” where the counsellor (the person working with you) will ask a series of questions which are not to do with the session,…

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How NOT to spend a day in Belfast!

…4 commuter stations, so when the time came on the train to buy a ticket – I had no idea which one to ask for. I had overheard the young…

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I had to start somewhere …

…roads give little time to look at the view – but when I do, invariably the word “wow” comes to my lips. This is what I have come for. To…

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I had to start somewhere …

…the view – but when I do, invariably the word “wow” comes to my lips. This is what I have come for. To see “new” hills, stone walls, rushing streams….

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How NOT to spend a day in Brussels.

…the main street in search of a bus going in the right direction. Whilst I was searching, I came across a humorous sculpture and almost took a photograph – but…

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Saying goodbye – Steev interviewed.

…the house at all. I did find the constant search for suitable places to live on my travels a bit grating and I feel I got it about right most…

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My Blogging Dilemma

…I am very clear that I am recording my own journey as a recovering compulsive gambler and my coming out as a world traveller, but I am aware that the…

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