Gamblers’ Anonymous – from a former member.

…– this is a personal view and I would welcome any comments that people may wish to add. All comments will be kept anonymous – unless you choose otherwise. NLS…

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Giving up on the “Big Win.”

…more coin and “I can come off when I have won X amount.” Usually a smaller amount as the day goes by – until eventually it is “I can come…

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Gambling as a mask for other problems …

and in some cases, our present. Stuff that perhaps we should be dealing with and are failing to do so. Avoiding problems? As a recovering compulsive gambler, I have heard…

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The learnings of a gambling addict

…others. I would be interested to hear of other peoples’ experiences – so feel free to message me or drop a comment below. NLS Subscribe to NewLifeSteev here!  Just click!…

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