How to make best use of public transport …

…from the world’s worst senior nomad. View from a bus-stop in Vannes, France. Nice view, but chilly in the winter. Research needed. I tend to only do research on local…

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Being driven crazy in the Balkans

…4 hour journey to Vlorë on a full minibus would be too much for me, so got a reasonable price from a local taxi company (half the price of a…

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Choose new life or no life:

Thoughts on Compulsive Gambling and Suicide. What if I was to say to you that no compulsive gambler ever wants to end their life. What they want is to end…

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Lessons from my travels.

…I worked with my inner child to find out what was holding me back and to come to some sort of compromise which led to lesson 5, (and to this…

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Staying Stopped.

…“slips” after over 3 years gambling free – which meant that I had to give up all the work I was doing for the fellowship. GA had been a big…

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Cambly … is it worth it?

…to study from 15 minutes to 2 hours a session, from 1 to 5 days a week. The price plan is connected to the country as well. For example I…

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Why you shouldn’t let “language anguish” stop your travels!

…of consistent practice even to get close to a conversational level. In this video, the polyglot Luca Lampariello has 5 tips to speed up your language progress, but all…

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A Polish Omelette ~ another Newlifesteev adventure

…a compartment train – with many people standing in the corridor. After making use of the free toilet and knowing that my feet were unlikely to cope with the 2-hour…

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The start of my recovery from compulsive gambling.

…another time. NLS If you like this content and would like to see more – why not “buy me a coffee” but please, only if you can afford to!…

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