Gamblers’ Anonymous – from a former member.

…– this is a personal view and I would welcome any comments that people may wish to add. All comments will be kept anonymous – unless you choose otherwise. NLS…

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Talk … talk … talk … and more.

…to us. The shame that I felt is a common component of problem gambling. In my case, when I was in action, I had no-one close that I needed to…

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Giving up on the “Big Win.”

…more coin and “I can come off when I have won X amount.” Usually a smaller amount as the day goes by – until eventually it is “I can come…

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Gambling as a mask for other problems …

…and in some cases, our present. Stuff that perhaps we should be dealing with and are failing to do so. Avoiding problems? As a recovering compulsive gambler, I have heard…

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The learnings of a gambling addict

…others. I would be interested to hear of other peoples’ experiences – so feel free to message me or drop a comment below. NLS Subscribe to NewLifeSteev here!  Just click!…

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Gambling in Europe and what to avoid.

…One of the problems is that the gambling companies with their algorithms will target known gamblers with ads at every opportunity and will offer free bets and other inducements in…

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